Research & Innovation for Earth Global
This Plastic-Eating Enzyme Could ‘Supercharge’ Recycling
Community-led coral restoration project is rare hit amid slew of misses in Indonesia
Meat Alternatives Made From Fungi Could Cut Deforestation by 50% – EcoWatch
Park Rangers Use Butterflies to Measure Biodiversity
Ben & Jerry’s Puts Cows on a Special Diet to Curb Methane Emissions
In oil palm-dominated Malaysia, agroforestry orchards are oases of bird life: Study
Biologist fighting plastic pollution to save sea turtles wins ‘Green Oscar’
Release the cats: Training native species to fear invasive predators
In Bangladesh, a community comes together to save a life-giving forest
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Also a Hub of Floating Marine Life – EcoWatch
Hawaii Startup Just Launched World’s First Ocean-Assisted Carbon Removal Plant
New App Shows Sharks Near Coastlines to Help Keep Sharks and Humans Safe – EcoWatch
Spain uses goats and sheep to fight wildfires
Poor planning, persistent farming undermine mangrove restoration in Tanzania
Goldman Prize Winner Nalleli Cobo Sees Hope for the Future | Sierra Club
Coral Reef Connectivity Is Essential for Conservation Efforts
Repeated fires are silencing the Amazon, says new acoustic monitoring study
Vivid Snake Is Newly Described and Likely Already Endangered
Robotic buoys developed to keep Atlantic right whales safe | CTV News
Satellite data brings new insights on what drives Amazon forest loss
As large areas of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest regenerate, the gains don’t last
EVs are taking a bite out of oil demand – Grist | Grist
Cheap Gel Packs Can Pull Many Liters of Water From Even Desert Air