Editor’s note: Time to go all in on the zero carbon economy | Corporate Knights
Washington wildlife commissioners approve limited hound training program | The Spokesman-Review
Brazil guts agencies, ‘sabotaging environmental protection’ in Amazon: Report
For border-crossing Thai tigers, the forest on the other side isn’t as green
New approaches needed to protect biodiversity as Aichi Targets go unmet
‘Race against time’: Saving the snakes and lizards of Brazil’s Cerrado
Court convicts French state for failure to address climate crisis | Climate change | The Guardian
Democrats urge investigation into removal of owl protections | KNKX
Ending tropical deforestation is vital to public health, scientists say
CHINA – ARGENTINA Hundreds of Chinese ships continue to plunder South America’s fish stocks
Children – For People for Wildlife Forever
How Protecting Wetlands Can Help the Climate – EcoWatch
Pandemic fails to slow agribusiness’s thirst for Cerrado’s water
EPA Petitioned to Protect Communities, Environment From Radioactive Phosphogypsum Stacks, Wastewater
Commodifying the natural world
Fossil Fuel Pollution Killed 8.7 Million Worldwide in 2018 • Children’s Health Defense
As the Amazon unravels into savanna, its wildlife will also suffer
Gold Rush in the Peruvian Amazon Leads to Deforestation
‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado
Amazon rainforest lost area the size of Israel in 2020 – ABC News
Exiting Amazon oil is progress but banks and business must do more
As forests shrink, mammals are stressed out— with possible fallout for humans
500+ experts call on world’s nations to not burn forests to make energy
European public roundly rejects Brazil trade deal unless Amazon protected
Nanomaterials are being discovered in living organisms
Introducing the 2021 Carbon Clean 200: Investing in a Clean Energy Future | Corporate Knights
U.N. report lays out blueprint to end ‘suicidal war on nature’
Investigation finds online wildlife killing contests are thriving during pandemic · A Humane World
4 More States Propose Harsh New Penalties For Protesting Fossil Fuels | HuffPost Canada
Analysis: The Natural Gas Industry Is Trying To Deny How Affordable Renewable Energy Is | DeSmog
Guest Commentary: Dam Continues Status Quo That Created Salmon Crisis | Opinion | chronline.com
The Extinction Crisis: Coming to a Dinner Table Near You? • The Revelator
New Report: Humanity Must End ‘Senseless and Suicidal War on Nature’ • Children’s Health Defense
Things (nearly) fall apart: The year so far in electricity, finance and computer chips – Resilience
The Race to Save the Vaquita Porpoise From Extinction – CounterPunch.org
4 States Propose Harsh New Penalties for Climate Protesters – Mother Jones
Faulty economic thinking makes destroying nature profitable | rabble.ca
A Major Ocean Current May Be Hurtling Towards Collapse
We’re killing those tropical trees we’re counting on to absorb carbon dioxide
Slaughtering wolves in Wisconsin just for the thrill of the kill – Chicago Sun-Times
Habitat Loss and Deforestation Are Stressing Out Animals
‘A disgrace’: Luxury housing plans threaten Cambodia’s Bokor National Park
Badger cull ‘likely to come to Northamptonshire’ by end of year | Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Bird collisions with windows called ‘staggering’ by Western researcher | Owen Sound Sun Times